Friday, December 12, 2008

The weather will always win.

Weather conditions here in the northeast are less than ideal. Fun though. went to the sweet party next door last night as the storm started to pick up a pattern and awoke to the trees covered in ice, occasionally dropping their load on the house making way for more. A weather day with no power! All bets are off when your day is altered so drastically. Can't tell you how many times I flipped a dead switch or thought about what I was going to do next only to be foiled with the reality of the situation. Michael and I have trundled off to gather up water, grab a Mellita so there is coffee in the morning and log on for a few minutes.

The candles are out and will be accessible upon returning home. It might be awhile before we get power again. There were many trees down and wires across roads, etc.

For today I've thoroughly enjoyed the 'interruption' in my daily, 'take it for granted' world.

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