Saturday, March 7, 2009

Gearing up for some new scenery....

I am enjoying the anticipation of my upcoming trip to Santa Fe!

Along with my professional 'duties' of teaching two very fun classes in feltmaking and altering the surface of metal components, I'll be selling my wares at the convention center at the BeadFest in Santa Fe. I am so looking forward to my time with sisters that will be joining me from Pennsylvania and Texas, and a brother and his dear wife that live in the area.....and my dear friends that will be exhibiting at the show....and poking around this town!

You'd think that I had nothing to do but 'pleasure seek' as I gear up to join 3 wonderful lady friends this morning at a Russian Icon Museum, a luncheon date and THEN...visit a botanical garden. I will remember my camera and hope to capture some visceral shots of plant parts!

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